Narne Nithiin’s latest hit film Aay, which premiered on August 15, 2024, is all set for its OTT debut. Directed and written by Kanchipally Anji Babu, this romantic comedy features notable performances by Ankith Koyya, Krishna Chaitanya, and Nayan Sarika. Despite facing stiff competition from other releases like Mr. Bachchan and Double iSmart, Aay has enjoyed commercial success at the box office.
Aay will be available for streaming on Netflix starting September 12, 2024. This is notable because the film was produced by Allu Aravind, who also runs the Aha streaming platform. However, the film will not be available on Aha but will instead premiere on Netflix.
In a recent interview, Narne Nithiin expressed his gratitude to Geetha Arts for their support during the film’s production. He also praised producer Bunny Vas and mentioned that his brother-in-law, Jr NTR, praised the film’s promotional material. Nithiin highlighted Jr NTR’s encouragement and noted that effective promotion had played a significant role in the film’s success. The film’s soundtrack, composed by Ram Miryala, has also been well-received.
Currently, Narne Nithiin is focused on his upcoming project, Sri Sri Sri Raja Vaaru, directed by Satish Vegesna. Initially planned as his debut film, it faced several delays, and Nithiin’s debut was instead with MAD in 2023. Sri Sri Sri Raja Vaaru is now scheduled for release during the Dussehra festival and is being produced by Sri Vedaakshara Movies.
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